A Little Help From My [Book] Friends

Sometimes we need a little nudge when it comes to prayer. It’s alarmingly easy to fall out of shape, going to bed feeling guilty and ignoring the Godly prodding that you haven’t spoken to Him, again. So, as with most things, I turn to books. I’ve found a few handy ones recently that now have a permanent spot at my bedside.

God, I Have Issues, by Mark E. Thibodeaux
Never before have I identified so strongly with a book title.

This is a prayer guide for when you don’t know where to start. When you try to clear your mind and fail, or when you’re just not in the mood. It’s more a reference book, a categorical how-to based on mood. It covers the spectrum from elation to depression, and also offers a guide when you just don’t know how you feel.

I like the way it’s set up. There’s a personal story or anecdote to start, and then it gets into accompanying Bible verses depending on the mood. It also makes you open up the Bible and read, offering relevant verses and follow-up reflection. I like it a lot. Because, God knows, sometimes I have issues.

Jesus Calling, by Sarah Young

This was gifted to me by a priest, when I came to him with innumerable questions about things he couldn’t answer (which is fairly typical of me). Instead, he handed me a copy of Jesus Calling and told me to read that day’s devotional. As things happen, that reading was just what I needed.

A lot of people have issues with this series, because it’s written in second person. It’s like Jesus speaks directly to us, and it’s a big no-no to claim to speak for God. But… I like this perspective. It’s not the authentic and genuine Word, but it provides direction. It gives comfort. And each devotional is inspired by the Bible, so there are real truths in here.

Some of the phrasing is weird, since it’s written from a modern perspective. But who am I to say He wouldn’t use some of the modern lingo to relate to us, like He did back then? It’s like having a little motivational speech from Jesus every day. I’m okay with that.

And they said to him, “Inquire of God, we pray thee, that we may know whether the journey on which we are setting out will succeed.”

And the priest said to them, “Go in peace. The journey on which you go is under the eye of the LORD.”

—Judges 18:5–6
